A Powerful Artistry of Coaching-Therapeutic Integration.
Recognised therapy modalities in the room with an expert Work with a team of professional associates to help you be happier, feel freer and live stronger, in a climate where personal conflict, family life, workplace and career issues can create tension. Who would benefit from this therapeutic enterprise? Anyone looking to live a happier and a less stressful personal and professional life. Energy Psychology That Works TM is an integrated approach that can work on virtually any problem. from confidence issues to complex problems and even trauma. How does it work? EPTW's therapist-coaching skills can help clients to understand behaviours that aren’t working for them and build new behaviours that generate positive change right now. |
Why is this unique?
It combines very powerful and effective Eastern techniques and Western psychology modalities, influencing bio-energetic patterns, addressing complex communications. Try this modern researched evidence-based treatment, aligned with neuroscience and traumatology, for a rapid response to better health. The results are often immediate and always much faster than conventional therapies. The effect is long term and good value for money as many clients may find. Seize an opportunity today for safe and early intervention in a 2-3 hour consultations of intensive treatment now. |
Make that call or email now, that could change your response
to events in your life forever !
Reduce "super-stress" now. Reduce cortisol and boost natural serotonin
with Energy Psychology today.
Head Office: London, W1
Surgeries: West London, Middlesex, Eastcote, Ruislip, Castleton Road, HA4
OFFICE MAINLINE : 020 3984 9774 Mobile: 07900201241
energypsychology that works (c) 2021. All rights reserved.
Surgeries: West London, Middlesex, Eastcote, Ruislip, Castleton Road, HA4
OFFICE MAINLINE : 020 3984 9774 Mobile: 07900201241
energypsychology that works (c) 2021. All rights reserved.